Accelerating music literacy
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Theory Books
Philosophy and Psychology used in the Tobin System
This booklet explains the philosophy and psychology of the Tobin System, and is especially interesting to anyone wishing to embark on this method of teaching.
Plastic ring, A4, single colour.
ISBN: 0-905684-47-8
First Steps to Music Literacy (Classroom teacher's manual)
Everything you will ever need to know about teaching music in your primary school. This manual is the product of many years of research and practical experience, and has been written for both the specialist and non specialst classroom music teacher.
Plastic ring, A4, 240 pages, single colour.
ISBN 0-905684-20-6
First Steps to Music (Workbook)
Student workbook for first steps. This works in a similar way to Tiny Steps to Music, whereby the children colour each page and the teachers sees at a glance if a child has not been present in a particular lesson. It teaches all musical theory and simple composition.
Suitable for the clasroom teacher who may not necessarily play any instrument other than pitch percussion
For ages 6 1/2 - 11
Plastic ring, A4, 32 pages, single colour.
ISBN 0-905684-28-1
Seconds Steps to Music (Workbook) - Keyboard Harmony
Plastic ring, A4, 32 pages, single colour
Rhythm and Pitch (Workbook)
This is an ideal workbook for children in the Junior or Secondary school who have not studied musical theory before. However, if as is often the case in secondary school, there are children of mixed abilities, those who have learnt theory before will find this a new and refreshing approach to the subuject.
For ages top Junior/Secondary
Stabled, Cr4to, 32 pages, single colour
ISBN 0-905684-30-3
Scales and Key Signatures (Workbook)
This book uses a similar philosophy to the
Rhythm and Pitch Workbook
. It shows another side to studying the thorny subject of scales and key signatures and makes it exciting and inspiring. There are many different activities that the classroom teacher can use to make an interesting lesson and for the students to follow-up in the workbook, either in the classroom or as home study.
For all ages
Stapled, Cr4to, 32 pages, single colour
ISBN 0-905684-31-1
Colour Harmony (Workbook)
Working on similar principles as the other workbooks, this is an ideal introduction to harmonisation and can be used at top Junior level and is also useful in the first year of Secondary school. The use of colour means that the student can immediately see the logic of connecting the harmony to the melody and of course passing notes stand out because they do not belong to the colours of the harmony.
For ages top Junior/Secondary
Stapled, Cr4to, 32 pages, single colour
ISBN 0-905684-10-9
Music Shorthand
This is an invaluable booklet for the teacher as there are many activities for the aural training classes. It is helpful right through a student's career, from grade 1 up to study at music colleges.
Suitable for all ages
stapled, A5, 40 pages, single colour
ISBN 0-905684-42-7
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(c) 1969-2009 Tobin