tobin music
Accelerating music literacy
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Latest Press Releases

Candida's method is taking off
AFTER 50 years struggling to earn recognition for her pioneering music education system, momentum is building for Sawbridgeworth’s Candida Tobin.

Last Friday, her new introductory DVD was launched at Trinity College London — and Candida said it was a huge boost having such heavy hitters backing her belief that the system can make all children musically literate by the age of eight.

Herts and Essex News, 21 June 2007
Trinity College London and Tobin Music to launch the new Tobin DVD.

May 2007:
Hitting the Right Notes
For just £2.99 Julie Hall can equip a five year old with a recorder and a set of stickers.
Herald News, 12 April 2007
A very exciting method of teaching music
Times Educational Supplement, April 2007
At last, world takes note of Candida, 81
Candida Tobin has spent her life trying to get her pioneering method of teaching music theory to children adopted by the education system.

Herts and Essex News, 8th March 2007

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